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  • Improving Young Adult Health: References

    • References Read the full guide, “Improving Young Adult Health: State & Local Strategies for Success,” online or as a PDF. Table 1. Labor force status of 2018 high school graduates and 2017-2018 high school dropouts 16 to 24 years old by school enrollment, educational attainment, sex, race, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, October 2018. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. https://www.bls.gov/news.release/hsgec.t01.htm.…
  • Improving Young Adult Health: Acronyms

    • Acronyms Read the full guide, “Improving Young Adult Health: State & Local Strategies for Success,” online or as a PDF. ACAPatient Protection and Affordable Care Act, 2010ACHAAmerican College Health AssociationANSA-TChild/Adult Needs and Strengths Assessment, Transition to Adulthood VersionAYA/AYAHAdolescent and Young Adult/Adolescent and Young Adult HealthAYAH-NRCAdolescent and Young Adult Health National Resource CenterBRFSSBehavioral Risk Factors Surveillance SystemCDCCenter for Disease Control and…
  • Improving Young Adult Health: Strategies Overview

    • Strategies to Improve Young Adult Health As Title V agencies and others consider how to improve young adult health, strategies used by several ”early adopters” can serve as a guide. These early adopters – state programs, nonprofits and others – have implemented young adult initiatives that address various health issues. While one state may be concerned about high rates of…
  • Improving Young Adult Health: Introduction

    • Introduction (back to Table of Contents) Purpose This document offers concrete strategies Title V agencies and others can use to advance young adult health. Along with these strategies, we share real-world examples, resources and an overview of relevant activities throughout the US. Examples have been identified as part of interviews with a sample of state Title V agencies and a…
  • Improving Young Adult Health: Strategy 1 – Collect Data & Adopt a Measure

    • Strategy 1: Collect Data & Adopt a Measure Why Measurement Counts As a starting point to better understand the needs of young adults in one’s state, some national datasets, such as the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) and the National College Health Assessment (NCHA), provide state-level health data on young adults. Additionally, by fielding one’s own surveys or adapting existing…
  • Improving Young Adult Health: Strategy 2 – Build Collaborative Networks

    • Strategy 2: Build Collaborative Networks How Do Collaborations Help? By bringing stakeholders with diverse expertise together, collaborations enable more effective use of resources to address young adult health. These synergies in turn benefit Title V programs, partners and people served by Title V. There are near-endless possibilities to how Title V programs can collaborate to improve YA health. Below are…
  • Improving Young Adult Health: Strategy 3 – Provide Training on YA Health

    • Strategy 3: Provide Training on YA Health Training to Take Action Learning how to engage young adults benefits Title V professionals, partners and programs through improved expertise working with a large proportion of Title V participants. This section highlights methods for organizations at any stage of YA engagement to increase their young adult health knowledge, starting with the most accessible…
  • Improving Young Adult Health: Strategy 4 – Create Young Adult Targeted Programs

    • Strategy 4: Create YA Targeted Programs Ready to Launch  Through the adoption of a YA state measure, collaboration with stakeholders and training of personnel, Title V agencies can kickstart young adult health programming (defined as organizational services and activities intended to improve YA health). This section provides further guidance on how to launch effective programming by: 1) incorporating incentives and…
  • Improving Young Adult Health: Resources

    • General Young Adult (YA) Health Philadelphia Network of Care YA Health Articles SAHRC YouTube Video: “Young Adults & MCH” SAHRC YouTube Video: “10 Things MCH Should Know about Young Adults”  Young Invincibles Health Insurance “Got Insurance?” Social Media Campaign Enroll DC Mobile App  HealthSource RI Nag Tool Kit Sasquatch! Music Festival Marketing for Health Insurance Enrollment  Incarcerated YA & Foster…
  • Improving Young Adult Health: Lessons Learned

    • Lessons Learned Tying it All Together Based on a review of US state policies and programs, and interviews with Title V leadership in states that chose a young adult state measure, the Adolescent and Young Adult Health National Resource Center (AYAH-NRC) has outlined five strategies that states can adopt to advance young adult health. These strategies build on one another:…