The Adolescent and Young Adult Health National Resource Center (AYAH-NRC), in partnership with the Adolescent and Young Adult Health Research Network (AYAH-RN), held a workshop at the SAHM 2016 Annual Meeting— “Youth in Context: Interactions among Adolescents, Environments, and Healthcare.”
AYAH-NRC Workshop, March 9, 2016, “The ACA and Access to Care for AYAs: Opportunities and Challenges to Improve Systems of Care”
The Center is pleased to share presentations given by our staff and partners.
- Drs. Irwin, Brindis and Ozer, AYAH-NRC staff, presented on the following topics:
- AYA health indicators;
- AYA health care systems;
- Preventive services recommended for AYAs;
- Select ACA provisions; and
- State initiatives to improve access to preventive services.
- Erin Hemlin, National Training Director from Young Invincibles, presented on initiatives to enroll young adults and connect them to care, especially preventive services.
- Dr. Charlene Wong, from The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, presented a summary of research on the ACA’s impact on young adults, and strategies to improve AYA health care including, social media and other new technologies.