Primary activities include:

Conducting transdisciplinary, collaborative research projects.
- Learn more about our research projects.
Disseminating and translating into practice new and emerging research findings relating to AYA health to a broad audience.
- Through our partnerships, the AYAH-RN reaches diverse audiences, including researchers, policymakers, educators, relevant professionals in the health, community, and education sectors, families and AYAs. Our wide-ranging dissemination activities include brief research summaries, presentations to researchers, clinicians, and practitioners, and clinical and teaching tools. Our research includes projects that focus on using technology to enhance care for AYA substance use and mental health, such as Health e-Check and INSPIRE; projects that focus on health in the transition to young adulthood like the 3-E Study; and projects engaging AYAs, families, and communities such as the Innovations for Youth at UC Berkeley’s Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR) Hub. Learn more about our tools and resources.
Strengthening Research in Adolescent and Young Adult Health.
- The AYAH-RN expands the field of Adolescent and Young Adult health research by engaging and mentoring new investigators, ranging from undergraduates to assistant professors. We engage new investigators across all phases of research projects, including study design, data collection and analysis, manuscript development and dissemination.
The AYAH-RN also advances research by leveraging additional funding for research projects that expand on AYAH-RN projects.