This seminal article from 2006 introduced the health issues of young adults. Although key health issues of young adults parallel those of adolescents, young adults often fare worse on these health indicators, with many measures of negative outcomes—including rates of injury, homicide, and substance use—peaking during young adulthood. The article argues for a national health agenda for young adults that…
The transition from adolescence to young adulthood to adulthood involves changes in development and independence that have implications for health. This brief examines priority health issues for adolescent & young adult males and identifies key gender & racial/ethnic disparities. The brief argues for interventions that integrate a lifespan approach with gender considerations. It remains one of few analyses to highlight…
This article presents data on health insurance coverage for adolescents 1984-2002. The analysis suggests that federal expansions in health insurance, primarily during the 1990s, offset declines in private insurance and led to greater insurance rates for adolescents. View the article here: Trends in private and public health insurance for adolescents. JAMA, 291(10), 1231-1237.
This “classic” series provides foundational knowledge, historical background and practical suggestions to guide incorporation of positive measures into adolescent health assessments. NAHIC conducted a comprehensive analysis of positive youth development approaches and measures, leading to the three papers, based on work supported by the W.T. Grant Foundation. The first paper, Developing a Conceptual Model to Select Indicators for the Assessment…
This article assesses the relationship between income and a broad set of health status, access, and utilization indicators. The authors used the most current nationally representative data available, including new variables, not previously available, in domains including mental health status and dental health services. These new data permit a more comprehensive assessment of income’s relationship to health status and access…
This was the presidential address at the SAM 2003 meeting focusing on the future of adolescent health. NAHIC Director Dr. Irwin reviews the history of the adolescent health field, presents a case for a positive view of adolescence, and makes recommendations for future research, policy and workforce training. Irwin C. E., Jr. (2003). Presidential Address: Adolescent health at the crossroads:…
This article was part of supplement based on the 1998 Health Futures II meeting that created a comprehensive set of recommendations for adolescent health. This article, written by NAHIC’s Dr. Irwin with UCSF colleagues Drs. Halpern-Felsher and Millstein, was created for a work group that focused on adolescent health and psychological development. An abstract of the article is available here:…
This monograph describes the environment in which children live and presents diverse measures of wellbeing, as well as traditional measures of health. Topics addressed include demographic characteristics, school environment, health care access and utilization, dental health, mental health, obesity and victimization. The document aims to inform professionals, program directors and policymakers concerned with the health and well-being of the middle…
In 1998, 124 leaders in the adolescent health field met for three days, with support from the federal Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Health Services and Resources Administration. The meeting, Health Futures of Youth II, aimed to advance the field of adolescent health based on the most current knowledge of adolescent health issues. Led by co-chairs Drs. Charles Irwin of…
This summary synthesizes the proceedings of an expert meeting to begin developing a national health agenda for middle childhood. Meeting participants representing diverse disciplines and stakeholders discussed a range of issues, including the role of families, schools, communities, business and the health care system in promoting the health of this population. With guidance from the participants, Policy Center staff identified…