The Adolescent and Young Adult Health National Resource Center (AYAH-NRC) is pleased to release promotional materials to support your work in addressing National Performance Measure 10 (percent of adolescents who receive an annual preventive visit in the past-year). These materials are intended for use by state agencies, health clinics, insurers, MCOs, or anyone engaged in promoting the health of young people.
Based on feedback from various stakeholders, we developed Center-branded and customizable tools intended to promote the value of the Well-Visit to parents of adolescents and young adults (AYAs). You are encouraged to add your own logo, URL, or call-to-action or local content. As appropriate, PDFs and jpeg file formats are both available.
The full package of promotional materials for parents includes:
1.) Parent FAQ Sheet: This Q&A style fact sheet answers parents most pressing questions related to the well-visit
(Versions available: a) Center-branded tool; b) customizable tool in PDF format)

2.) Infographic: Visual representation of the Parent FAQ Sheet that includes all key points about the value of the well-visit for parents of AYAs
(Versions available: a) Center-branded tool; b) customizable tool in PDF and JPEG formats)

3.) Infographic Elements: Five small, standalone infographic elements for use in social media, existing brochures, websites, posters, etc.
(Versions available: a) Center-branded tool; b) customizable tool in PDF and JPEG format)

We also developed a cover letter for public health professionals that introduces each promotional material, and provides distribution strategies to engage parents via school-based health centers, state Medicaid agency, etc.
Click on these links to download the full package of Center-branded and customizable materials
Contact Us! Please email us here with general questions, comments, or concerns.