Do caregivers want to talk about parenting? Results from a primary care based survey.
- Jones L, Grout R, Gilbert A, Wilkerson T, Downs S, Aalsma M. J Adolesc Health. 2018;62 S37–S140 (Poster abstract for SAHM 2018 meeting, Seattle WA)
- Topic(s): Models of care, Parents/Caregivers, Primary Care/Preventive Care
- Type(s): Publications
Teaching pediatric transgender care.
- Vance SR, Lasofsky B, Ozer E, Buckelew SM. Clin Teach. 2018;15(3):214-220.
- Topic(s): Models of care, Primary Care/Preventive Care, Transgender
- Type(s): Publications
Using e-learning to enhance interdisciplinary pediatric learners’ transgender-related objective knowledge, self-perceived knowledge and clinical self-efficacy.
- Vance SR, Lasofsky B, Ozer E, Buckelew SM. J Adolesc Health. 2018;62 S104-S105 (Poster abstract for SAHM 2018 meeting, Seattle WA).
- Topic(s): Models of care, Primary Care/Preventive Care, Transgender
- Type(s): Publications
Research on clinical preventive services for adolescents and young adults: Where are we and where do we need to go?
- Harris SK, Aalsma MC, Weitzman ER, Garcia-Huidobro D, Wong C, Hadland SE, Santelli J, Park MJ, Ozer EM. J Adolesc Health. 2017;60(3):249-60.
- Topic(s): Primary Care/Preventive Care, Technology, Young Adults
- Type(s): Publications
Advancing a research agenda for adolescent and young adult health.
- Irwin CE, Jr. Adolesc Health. 2017;60(3)233-4.
- Topic(s): Developmental Science, Mental/Behavioral health, Primary Care/Preventive Care
- Type(s): Publications
Teen preferences for clinic-based behavior screens: Who, where, when, and how?
- Jasik CB, Berna M, Martin M, Ozer EM. J Adolesc Health. 2016;59(6):722-4.
- Topic(s): Models of care, Primary Care/Preventive Care, Technology
- Type(s): Publications
Delivering anticipatory guidance about technology use to adolescents in primary care: Rates in a representative California sample.
- Giovanelli A, Adams S, Park J, Ozer E. J Adolesc Health. 2021;69(6):1044-1047.
- Topic(s): Primary Care/Preventive Care, Technology
- Type(s): Publications
Using standardized patients to augment communication skills and self-efficacy in caring for transgender youth.
- Vance, SR, Dentoni-Lasofsky B, Ozer E, Deutsch MB, Meyers MJ, Buckelew SM. Acad Pediatr. 2021;21(8):1441-1448.
- Topic(s): Models of care, Primary Care/Preventive Care
- Type(s): Publications
Improving contraceptive use among Latina adolescents: A cluster-randomized controlled trial evaluating an mHealth application
- Tebb KP, Rodriguez F, Pollack LM, Brindis CD, Adams S, Rico R, Renteria R, Trieu SL, Hwang L, Ozer E, Puffer M.
- Topic(s): Equity, Models of care, Primary Care/Preventive Care, Technology
- Type(s): Publications
Electronic health risk behavior screening with integrated feedback among adolescents in primary care.
- Richardson L, Parker E, Zhou C, Kientz J, Ozer E, McCarty C. J Med Internet Res. 2021;23(3):e24135.
- Topic(s): Mental/Behavioral health, Models of care, Primary Care/Preventive Care, Technology
- Type(s): Publications