Topic :: Parents/Caregivers
- Ferrin SN, Grout RW, Gilbert AL, Wilkinson TA, Cheng ER, Downs SM, Aalsma MC J Adolesc Health. 2019;65:799-804.
- Jones L, Grout R, Gilbert A, Wilkerson T, Downs S, Aalsma M. J Adolesc Health. 2018;62 S37–S140 (Poster abstract for SAHM 2018 meeting, Seattle WA)
- Jones L, Grout R, Gilbert A., Wilkinson T, Garbuz T, Downs S, Aalsma M. BMC Health Serv Res. 2021;21(1):253.
- Giovanelli A, Ozer EJ, Adams SH, Park MJ, Ozer EM. J Adolesc Health. 2022;70:682-685.
- AYAH-NRC Workshop, March 8, 2019, “What’s New in Clinical Preventive Services: An update on Policies, Research and Emerging Paradigms of Parental Engagement”. View the full presentation slide deck here. The Adolescent and Young Adult Health National Resource Center (AYAH-NRC) will hold a workshop at the SAHM 2019 Annual Meeting— “Psychological Well-Being: International Transcultural Perspectives.” If you would like to view each section of the…
- Led by Dr. Aalsma with several students at Indiana University, the AYAH-RN conducted an exploratory study to implement a parenting intervention in the primary care setting. Research included testing integration of a screening tool for parents, that addressed areas such as adolescent communication, monitoring, and conflict, and examined parents’ views on such interventions in the primary care setting. Results indicate…
- AYAH-RN Workshop, March 8, 2019, “Clinic-Based Strategies for Engaging Parents in Adolescent Health Promotion.” View the presentation slides here. The Adolescent and Young Adult Health Research Network (AYAH-RN) is holding a workshop at the SAHM 2019 Annual Meeting— “Psychological Well-Being: International Transcultural Perspectives.” The workshop will feature presentations by the following faculty and partners: Dr. Elizabeth Ozer, AYAH-RN Project Director Dr. Carol Ford, Children’s…
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- The Adolescent and Young Adult Health National Resource Center (AYAH-NRC) is pleased to release promotional materials to support your work in addressing National Performance Measure 10 (percent of adolescents who receive an annual preventive visit in the past-year). These materials are intended for use by state agencies, health clinics, insurers, MCOs, or anyone engaged in promoting the health of young people.…
- Parent-focused educational materials to prevent opioid abuse (S. Harris, PhD, BCH/HU) With support from the AYAH-RN, Dr. Sion Harris at Boston Children’s Hospital/Harvard University (BCH/HU) led a project to create on-line teaching materials to engage parents in helping prevent opioid abuse. The project built on existing parent education website materials developed by BCH/HU that address other substance abuse issues. The…