The Center created multiple tools to address adolescent and young adult mental health concerns, through an innovative “CoIIN” quality improvement project focused on depression screening and follow up care, complemented by public health interventions. About three quarters of people with depression experienced their first symptoms by age 24. Thus, the teen and young adult years present a key window to…
The COVID-19 pandemic brought increased attention to the mental health status and needs experienced by young adults. The 2021 Surgeon General’s Advisory addressing the importance of protecting youth mental health highlights the growing mental health crisis among children, adolescents, and young adults. Among young adults, mental health conditions had been rising prior to the COVID-19 pandemic and during the COVID-19…
For college-age young adults, stigma around mental health and mental health treatment can pose a barrier to seeking services. Finding high quality services can also be a challenge. A new report by Young Invincibles describes two innovative initiatives to address these issues, with a focus on young adults of color: a digital ad campaign and a peer advocacy project at…
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) brought with it many changes to access and cost of preventive care for young adults. Now new research published in the Journal of Adolescent Health examines the health care reform’s impact on young adults. A UCSF team led by Dr. Sally Adams analyzed data on young adult well visits and three preventive service measures before and…
AYAH-NRC Workshop, March 8, 2019, “What’s New in Clinical Preventive Services: An update on Policies, Research and Emerging Paradigms of Parental Engagement”. View the full presentation slide deck here. The Adolescent and Young Adult Health National Resource Center (AYAH-NRC) will hold a workshop at the SAHM 2019 Annual Meeting— “Psychological Well-Being: International Transcultural Perspectives.” If you would like to view each section of the…
This Change Package provides a range of tools and guidance for state-led efforts to improve receipt of preventive services for adolescents and young adults. It reflects the experiences of the twelve states that took part in a quality improvement project to support state efforts to increase receipt of well visits, (National Performance Measure #10 of the Title V Block Grant:…
Got Transition, a program of The National Alliance to Advance Adolescent Health, has released a new toolkit that provides suggested content for providers to introduce health care transition during preventive visits with early adolescents (ages 11-14), middle adolescents (ages 15-17), late adolescents (ages 18-21), and young adults (ages 22-25). This toolkit was created in partnership with the Adolescent and Young…
Little evidence links preventive visits to increased receipt of preventive services, despite decades of professional emphasis on adolescent preventive care visits and evidence that many preventive services reduce risk. In this context, the Adolescent and Young Adult Health National Resource Center examined the linkage between attendance of a preventive healthcare visit and receipt of preventive services, among adolescents and young…
The Adolescent and Young Adult Health National Resource Center (AYAH-NRC) is pleased to release promotional materials to support your work in addressing National Performance Measure 10 (percent of adolescents who receive an annual preventive visit in the past-year). These materials are intended for use by state agencies, health clinics, insurers, MCOs, or anyone engaged in promoting the health of young people.…