Engaging researchers from a broad range of LEAH sites, the AYAH-Research Network is embarking on a multi-site project to develop, test and refine an intervention for parents who bring their adolescents to healthcare visits. With the overall goal of motivating parents to access parenting resources, the intervention aims to create a tool to assess parents’ needs and provide links to additional resources. The team is undertaking background research to assess parents’ preferences in areas such as topics of interest and modality for receiving information. Toward this end, this workgroup added several variables in these areas to the 2021 administration of TAPS (AmeriSpeaks Teen and Parent Surveys of Health), a nationally representative survey administered by the CDC. Data from these items will help advance the Parent Group’s work.
The team also presented on a range of parent-engagement initiatives at the 2019 meeting of the Society of Adolescent Health and Medicine (SAHM), and subsequently presented the results of the TAPS data at the 2024 SAHM Meeting.