The Adolescent and Young Adult Health National Resource Center (AYAH-NRC) is pleased to announce the first Learning Community series: Learning Community Series #1: Youth-Centered Care About this series: This virtual learning series is an opportunity for state MCH professionals and partners to explore the myriad of ways to collaboratively improve health care for youth (age 10-25) with the goal to…
This ppt presentation serves as a reference tool of program performance measures for use initiatives to increase well visit rates among adolescents and young adults. The slides build on AYAH-NRC’s three strategy framework for improving receipt of a quality well visit for adolescents and young adults. It was presented in May 2016 by AYAH-NRC director Dr. Irwin at the “Title…
The Adolescent and Young Adult Health National Resource Center (AYAH-NRC), in partnership with the Adolescent and Young Adult Health Research Network (AYAH-RN), held a workshop at the SAHM 2016 Annual Meeting— “Youth in Context: Interactions among Adolescents, Environments, and Healthcare.” AYAH-NRC Workshop, March 9, 2016, “The ACA and Access to Care for AYAs: Opportunities and Challenges to Improve Systems of…
In September 2015, the AYAH-NRC convened a summit with the Adolescent and Young Adult Health Collaborative Improvement and Innovation Network (“CoIIN”) with participants from five state teams: New Mexico, Texas, Iowa, Mississippi, and Vermont. These presentations offer user-friendly overviews on key aspects of initiatives to improve well visits, such as quality improvement, public education, partnership development, special considerations for young…
Adolescence is a critical stage of development during which physical, intellectual, emotional, and psychological changes occur. While adolescence is a relatively healthy period of life, adolescents begin to make lifestyle choices and establish behaviors that affect both their current and future health. During this transition from childhood to adulthood, serious health and safety issues such as motor vehicle crashes, violence,…
The Resource Center led a skills-building session at the AMCHP Annual Conference in Washington, DC in January 2015. This presentation covers the following topics: the health issues and health care needs of adolescence and young adulthood. how the 2015 Title V Block Grant transformation addressed adolescents opportunities to improve adolescent and young adult health and healthcare, with a special focus on preventive…
NAHIC was represented by senior faculty Drs. Claire Brindis and Charles E. Irwin Jr. at the Institute of Medicine (IOM) and National Research Council conference held in Washington, D.C. in May 2013. The focus of the workshop was “Improving the Health, Safety, and Well-Being of Young Adults.” PDF versions of Dr. Brindis’s presentation, “A Changing Landscape: Overview and Cross-Cutting Themes,” and…