Topic :: Primary Care/Preventive Care
- December 13th, 2018 INSPIRE builds on gaming techniques to create an environment in which teens participate in unfolding narratives that address peer pressure, social norms, and alternative consequences of alcohol use. Players adopt the role of a teenage protagonist who “relives” a high-school get-together involving alcohol, with virtual characters who model a range of health behaviors. Outcomes in the story line are actively shaped…
- The AYAH-RN supported a weight stigma prevention project, led by Bryn Austin, PhD, in partnership with Boston Children’s Hospital/Harvard University. This project pilot tested an on-line adaptation of an in-person training program to teach public health professionals strategies to mitigate weight stigma in obesity prevention campaigns. Participants develop an evidence-based health communication campaign focused on childhood obesity prevention that is…
- Dr. Sion Harris, core partner of the AYAH-RN, developed website teaching materials to engage parents in helping prevent opioid abuse. Specifically, this work builds on existing parent education website materials developed by Boston Children’s Hospital/Howard University that address other substance abuse issues. The new module will provide parents with the latest science on opioids and their effects and risks (particularly…
- Got Transition, a program of The National Alliance to Advance Adolescent Health, has released a new toolkit that provides suggested content for providers to introduce health care transition during preventive visits with early adolescents (ages 11-14), middle adolescents (ages 15-17), late adolescents (ages 18-21), and young adults (ages 22-25). This toolkit was created in partnership with the Adolescent and Young…
- Little evidence links preventive visits to increased receipt of preventive services, despite decades of professional emphasis on adolescent preventive care visits and evidence that many preventive services reduce risk. In this context, the Adolescent and Young Adult Health National Resource Center examined the linkage between attendance of a preventive healthcare visit and receipt of preventive services, among adolescents and young…
- The Adolescent and Young Adult Health National Resource Center (AYAH-NRC), in partnership with the Adolescent and Young Adult Health National Research Network (AYAH-RN), held a workshop at the SAHM 2018 Annual Meeting— “Global Adolescent Health Equity.” AYAH-NRC Workshop, March 16, 2018, “What’s New in Clinical Preventive Services? New Evidence, Guidelines, Policies – Challenges & Opportunities.” The Center is pleased to…
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- The Adolescent and Young Adult Health National Resource Center (AYAH-NRC) is pleased to release promotional materials to support your work in addressing National Performance Measure 10 (percent of adolescents who receive an annual preventive visit in the past-year). These materials are intended for use by state agencies, health clinics, insurers, MCOs, or anyone engaged in promoting the health of young people.…
- Despite decades of adolescent preventive well visit and services promotion (Guidelines for Adolescent Preventive Services and Bright Futures), rates are below recommended levels and little is known of the effect of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) implementation on these care rates. In a new article, NAHIC researchers compared pre- and post-ACA rates of well visits and preventive…
- Dr. Irwin, AYAH-RN co-Principal Investigator, authored a commentary published in the March 2017 issue of the Journal of Adolescent Health, with the AYAH-RN’s three review articles described above. The commentary reviewed major federal efforts in adolescent health, beginning with support for physician training programs in the 1960s. Efforts show an increasingly transdisciplinary approach in federal initiatives to improve adolescent and…