Topic :: Primary Care/Preventive Care
- The Affordable Care Act (ACA) brought with it many changes to access and cost of preventive care for young adults. Now new research published in the Journal of Adolescent Health examines the health care reform’s impact on young adults. A UCSF team led by Dr. Sally Adams analyzed data on young adult well visits and three preventive service measures before and…
- AYAH-NRC Workshop, March 8, 2019, “What’s New in Clinical Preventive Services: An update on Policies, Research and Emerging Paradigms of Parental Engagement”. View the full presentation slide deck here. The Adolescent and Young Adult Health National Resource Center (AYAH-NRC) will hold a workshop at the SAHM 2019 Annual Meeting— “Psychological Well-Being: International Transcultural Perspectives.” If you would like to view each section of the…
- Led by Dr. Aalsma with several students at Indiana University, the AYAH-RN conducted an exploratory study to implement a parenting intervention in the primary care setting. Research included testing integration of a screening tool for parents, that addressed areas such as adolescent communication, monitoring, and conflict, and examined parents’ views on such interventions in the primary care setting. Results indicate…
- Drs. Richardson, McCarty, Radovic and Suleiman authored an article reviewing evidence for effective models of integrated mental/behavioral health care into primary health care settings for adolescents and young adults. This article filled a gap in this area, as most research on mental health treatment integration has focused on adults, despite a high prevalence and impact of mental health problems among…
- Behavioral/Emotional Screening Tool for clinical settings (E. Ozer, PhD, Sara Buckelew, MD, Veronika Mesheriakova, UCSF) Health-e-Check, originally developed by Ozer and colleagues through AHRQ funding, is being updated with the goal of streamlining integration into the electronic medical record to serve as a prototype for other LEAH projects and beyond. Health e-Check provides a screening report to adolescent providers to…
- AYAH-RN Workshop, March 8, 2019, “Clinic-Based Strategies for Engaging Parents in Adolescent Health Promotion.” View the presentation slides here. The Adolescent and Young Adult Health Research Network (AYAH-RN) is holding a workshop at the SAHM 2019 Annual Meeting— “Psychological Well-Being: International Transcultural Perspectives.” The workshop will feature presentations by the following faculty and partners: Dr. Elizabeth Ozer, AYAH-RN Project Director Dr. Carol Ford, Children’s…
- This Change Package provides a range of tools and guidance for state-led efforts to improve receipt of preventive services for adolescents and young adults. It reflects the experiences of the twelve states that took part in a quality improvement project to support state efforts to increase receipt of well visits, (National Performance Measure #10 of the Title V Block Grant:…
- December 13th, 2018 INSPIRE builds on gaming techniques to create an environment in which teens participate in unfolding narratives that address peer pressure, social norms, and alternative consequences of alcohol use. Players adopt the role of a teenage protagonist who “relives” a high-school get-together involving alcohol, with virtual characters who model a range of health behaviors. Outcomes in the story line are actively shaped…
- The AYAH-RN supported a weight stigma prevention project, led by Bryn Austin, PhD, in partnership with Boston Children’s Hospital/Harvard University. This project pilot tested an on-line adaptation of an in-person training program to teach public health professionals strategies to mitigate weight stigma in obesity prevention campaigns. Participants develop an evidence-based health communication campaign focused on childhood obesity prevention that is…
- Dr. Sion Harris, core partner of the AYAH-RN, developed website teaching materials to engage parents in helping prevent opioid abuse. Specifically, this work builds on existing parent education website materials developed by Boston Children’s Hospital/Howard University that address other substance abuse issues. The new module will provide parents with the latest science on opioids and their effects and risks (particularly…