Topic :: Young Adults

  • Improving Young Adult Health: Strategy 2 – Build Collaborative Networks

    • Strategy 2: Build Collaborative Networks How Do Collaborations Help? By bringing stakeholders with diverse expertise together, collaborations enable more effective use of resources to address young adult health. These synergies in turn benefit Title V programs, partners and people served by Title V. There are near-endless possibilities to how Title V programs can collaborate to improve YA health. Below are…
  • Improving Young Adult Health: Strategy 3 – Provide Training on YA Health

    • Strategy 3: Provide Training on YA Health Training to Take Action Learning how to engage young adults benefits Title V professionals, partners and programs through improved expertise working with a large proportion of Title V participants. This section highlights methods for organizations at any stage of YA engagement to increase their young adult health knowledge, starting with the most accessible…
  • Improving Young Adult Health: Strategy 4 – Create Young Adult Targeted Programs

    • Strategy 4: Create YA Targeted Programs Ready to Launch  Through the adoption of a YA state measure, collaboration with stakeholders and training of personnel, Title V agencies can kickstart young adult health programming (defined as organizational services and activities intended to improve YA health). This section provides further guidance on how to launch effective programming by: 1) incorporating incentives and…
  • Improving Young Adult Health: Resources

    • General Young Adult (YA) Health Philadelphia Network of Care YA Health Articles SAHRC YouTube Video: “Young Adults & MCH” SAHRC YouTube Video: “10 Things MCH Should Know about Young Adults”  Young Invincibles Health Insurance “Got Insurance?” Social Media Campaign Enroll DC Mobile App  HealthSource RI Nag Tool Kit Sasquatch! Music Festival Marketing for Health Insurance Enrollment  Incarcerated YA & Foster…
  • Improving Young Adult Health: Lessons Learned

    • Lessons Learned Tying it All Together Based on a review of US state policies and programs, and interviews with Title V leadership in states that chose a young adult state measure, the Adolescent and Young Adult Health National Resource Center (AYAH-NRC) has outlined five strategies that states can adopt to advance young adult health. These strategies build on one another:…
  • Improving Young Adult Health: Strategy 5 – Use Innovative Outreach

    • Strategy 5: Use Innovative Outreach Finding Effective Outreach Channels Even the best programming won’t reach people without the right outreach, and companies have spent inordinate amounts of time learning what appeals to the young adult demographic. Title V can learn from what other organizations have already done to get this population’s attention. With the prevalence of social media, effectively reaching…
  • Improving Young Adult Health: State & Local Strategies for Success

    • A Guide to Improving Young Adult Health The Adolescent & Young Adult Health National Resource Center has published a guide outlining five key strategies that states can adopt to improve young adult health. Strategies are based on a review of young adult (YA) health policies and programs across all 59 states and territories and interviews with Title V leadership in…

    • The Affordable Care Act (ACA) brought with it many changes to access and cost of preventive care for young adults. Now new research published in the Journal of Adolescent Health examines the health care reform’s impact on young adults. A UCSF team led by Dr. Sally Adams analyzed data on young adult well visits and three preventive service measures before and…
  • Meaningful Social Roles Among Young Adolescents

    • Meaningful social roles among young adolescents (P. Ballard, PhD, Wake Forest U; L.T. Hoyt, PhD, Fordham U) The AYAH Research Network is exploring meaningful social roles among young adolescents. The investigators will pilot an assessment tool for assessing meaningful social roles and examine correlations between meaningful social roles, health risk taking behaviors, and mental health, as well as moderation by…
  • “Change package” toolkit to improve receipt of quality well visits for adolescents and young adults.

    • This Change Package provides a range of tools and guidance for state-led efforts to improve receipt of preventive services for adolescents and young adults. It reflects the experiences of the twelve states that took part in a quality improvement project to support state efforts to increase receipt of well visits, (National Performance Measure #10 of the Title V Block Grant:…