Topic :: Primary Care/Preventive Care
- Review article on Clinical Preventive Services. (Harris SK, Aalsma MC, Weitzman ER, et al. Research on clinical preventive services for adolescents and young adults: Where are we and where do we need to go? J Adolesc Health. 2017; 60(3): 249-60.) AYAH-Research Network partners authored a review article on AYA clinical preventive services (CPS), examining evidence for increasing access to CPS,…
- Technology as clinician extender in the delivery of clinical preventive services (C. Wong, MD, Duke U; E. Weitzman PhD & S. Harris, PhD BCH/HU; E. Ozer, PhD, UCSF) Led by Dr. Wong, this effort expands on the AYAH-RN’s review article on developmental science and a workshop presented at the 2017 SAHM meeting. Researchers published this work in a special supplement…
- Assessing adolescent technology use; sleep hygiene and related clinical screening (using California Health Interview Survey Data) Dr. Ozer, as a member of the Adolescent Advisory Committee for the California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) has spearheaded this project that uses the 2017 administration of CHIS. The AYAH-RN facilitated the addition of key questions focused on technology use into this state-wide survey…
- Dr. Claire Brindis, Co-Project Director of the Adolescent and Young Adult National Resource Center, a major project of NAHIC, helped develop a supplement in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine titled “Opportunities for Cancer Prevention During Early Adulthood.” This journal is free to view at: Claire and her team has also developed a CDC webpage for the supplement which…
- Dr. Charles Irwin, AYAH-NRC’s Project Director, presented at the National Millennial Health Summit in September 2016. Hosted by Young Invincibles and YI Advisors, the goal of this Summit is to bring national attention to the challenges and opportunities in Millennial health and highlight effective examples of connecting Millennials from coverage to care. Dr. Irwin presented an “Overview of Health Care…
- In May 2017, the AYAH-NRC convened a summit with the Adolescent and Young Adult Health Collaborative Improvement and Innovation Network (“CoIIN”) with participants from seven state teams: Indiana, Maryland, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Washington and Wyoming. These presentations offer user-friendly overviews on key aspects of initiatives to improve well visits, such as quality improvement, partnership development, special considerations for…
- Marketing the Adolescent and Young Adult Well Visit webinar series -ARCHIVED WEBINARS BELOW- This virtual learning series presented ideas and concepts from commercial marketers to inform our approaches to engaging young people in health. Participants of the entire series will: Use a broad definition of marketing to inform their work Generalize about generational differences Apply consumer insights about AYA to…
- The Adolescent and Young Adult Health Research Network (AYAH-RN) held a workshop at the SAHM 2017 Annual Meeting— “Cultivating Connections: The Importance of Relationships in Adolescent and Young Adult Health.” AYAH-RN Workshop, March 8, 2017, “USING TECHNOLOGY TO EXTEND CLINICIANS’ PREVENTIVE REACH.” The Network is pleased to share presentations given by our staff and partners. Dr. Ozer, AYAH-RN Project Director,presented on…
- The Adolescent and Young Adult Health National Resource Center (AYAH-NRC), in partnership with the Adolescent and Young Adult Health National Research Network (AYAH-RN), held a workshop at the SAHM 2017 Annual Meeting— “Cultivating Connections: The Importance of Relationships in Adolescent and Young Adult Health.” AYAH-NRC Workshop, March 8, 2017, “Why Aren’t AYAs Going to Well-Care? Challenges and Improving Receipt of…
- The ACA has focused national attention on the importance of clinical preventive services for adolescents and young adults. Providing these services to young adults offers clinicians the opportunity to shape their patient’s health throughout the life course, yet many clinicians lack the tools and specific knowledge to do so. In November 2017, NAHIC updated its fact sheet designed to guide…